The 8th annual session of Rescue Divas EMS Camp For Girls was back at Northland College and was held July 28th – August 1st, 2024. Rescue Divas is a 5 day-4 night residential camp provided by Northwest Wisconsin CEP in collaboration with many community partners, sponsors and EMS agencies to expose middle school aged girls from northwest Wisconsin counties to careers and volunteer opportunities in EMS. Twenty girls arrived to kick off Rescue Divas 2024 on Sunday afternoon. The focus of the first afternoon and evening is for the girls and counselors to get to know each other. Beautiful weather that night for a campfire along with games inside and outside of the dorm.
Our first full day started with Erika training the girls in CPR along with a visit from Washburn Emergency Services. The afternoon was packed with activities with Sawyer County Search & Rescue. After dinner, Mary Ross joined us to talk about volunteer opportunities with the National Ski Patrol and her many years in EMS.
Tuesday started with Les Luder sharing about EMS volunteer opportunities before heading outside for self defense training with Master Todd and Master Jill of Long Island Tae Kwon Do. After lunch, Hannah from Phillips Community Pool returned for water safety training followed by Erika finishing up CPR training and then First Aid & Stop The Bleed training.
The last full day is field trip day which started out big with the landing of the Life Link III helicopter followed by demonstrations about the Emergency Department and decontamination procedures at Memorial Medical Center. Next up was a tour of Ashland Police Department and then they were off to the Ashland Fire Department for lunch and a full afternoon of activities including a visit from Gorgia and Ryanne of the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch.
Thursday was a relatively relaxing morning with just one final guest. Skyler Dural-Eder from Northwest Wisconsin CEP presented a condensed version of her school presentation “Hired!” which focuses on soft skills such as communication and the importance of a great attitude. Valuable skills for the girls in their future work & volunteer environments and in life in general. Clean-up, packing, signing thank you notes and post-assessments with Erika filled the rest of the morning. After lunch, there was a presentation recapping the week with parents and guests before the girls said their goodbyes.
Thank you to all our sponsors and other supporters – click here for the list!
Visit our Facebook page for many photos and click here for slideshow. If YouTube link doesn’t work, you can open here.